The primary goal behind the machine that is EarthStation is the creation of Art in the context of the built environment. EarthStation is about the striving toward some ideal that elevates the consciousness of those who occupy and make use of each building and space. The intent is to create a pleasurable, memorable, and spatially innovative experience, often very subtle in its expression, but charged with the energies and vitalities of life. EarthStation is passionate about the process that reveals something unique in all of us, and in all of our daily experiences, and our goal is to reveal those special characteristics in the form of Architecture.
An intensive dialog initiates the collaborative process; as a critical means of extracting those special characteristics about each project which lend themselves to the making of something unique. These special characteristics, integrated with programmatic needs, client budget and schedule, building placement opportunities, construction technology and environmental context, generate the kernel that evolves during the design process into what becomes Architecture.